Here you will learn how to use Laravel Breeze and Cookie.

  1. Install Laravel
  2. Install Laravel Breeze startup kit
  3. Add below line of codes in your .env file
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Remember that top level domain should be same for your Laravel and your SPA application. e.g. localhost.

In your frontend application e.g. Vue.js, remember to send these parameters:

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Now you will have a working backend and frontend cookie for authentication.

If you are using Postman for APIs, then remember to do these steps in your Postman.

  1. Create environment in your workspace:
Variable Type Initial value Current value
base_url default http://localhost:8000 http://localhost:8000
frontendUrl default http://localhost:3000 http://localhost:3000
XSRF-TOKEN default
  1. In Pre-request Scripts of your collection add below:
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Now you have successfully create a Laravel and Vue.js project. Also you can test your APIs in Postman.